B. Catering Department

Resident students are automatically considered for the pay-as-you eat (PAYE) catering services programme, which provides 21 meals per week from Monday to Sunday. The dinning halls are open for three meals per day. To supplement the regular dinning hall services, there are outside catering points in most Units, which are open and offer services continuously.

Catering Department Staff:

Ms Birundu Vane - Manager Catering


A. Halls Department

The Halls department runs a total of 78 individual hall Units,  with a total bed capacity of 11, 539 spread over the eleven faculties of the University of Nairobi.

To ensure a transparent, fair and accountable room allocation process the department has adopted an on-line Halls Management Information System–HAMIS and is working closely with the offices of the Dean of Students.

Students  who are out of session, Module II students and postgraduates may be considered for accommodation whenever there is excess capacity in the system